anti-harassment policy

Kikiai Collaborative strives to be an open and inclusive space for all young people with Japanese heritage and/or connections to the Japanese Canadian community. It’s important to us to keep this space inclusive for everyone in it by remaining respectful and supportive of one another.

Harassment will not be tolerated at Kikiai gatherings. We strive to create a safe space where anyone is free to voice their concerns to organizers and each other. If you feel uncomfortable with any behaviour from someone in the community, we encourage you to speak openly about it with the party in question; however please don’t hesitate to contact organizing Kikiai members for assistance. We will do what we can to help you feel safe.

We expect all those who enter our spaces to respect the boundaries of others and cease any inappropriate behaviour immediately. If you persist in behaviour which makes others uncomfortable after being asked to stop (inside or outside of actual Kikiai events), you may be asked to leave the event and be removed from contact lists/groups.